Below are descriptions of what the stuff in the menu does :)
Shows your pregnancy profile including pregnancy information as well as inseminations (who inseminated). This profile will also contain your birth info (baby names and fathers etc)
Brings up the settings menu for you to customize your hud speed, genitalia, offline time (OL Time), debug, hard mode (Miscarry Possibility) as well as abort / reset. HUD speed can range from 1 to 10. The higher the number the faster you will proceed through your pregnancy. Genitalia will let others (Using the Sire HUD) know what appendage you use. Offline time is the counting of time while you are not online, it will add it to the current time once you login to move your pregnancy along regardless of if you are logged in or not. Debug sends information to customer support to help assist with debugging any issues. This button does not need to be pressed unless you are asked to. Hard Mode turns on and off miscarriage. When hard-mode is starred this means that if you do not take care of your pregnancy with vitamins you may lose the baby.
This button will shut off all of the scripts in the hud except the menu. This is a good setting for if you are at an event or a busy sim. Remember that if you have offline time (OL TIME) enabled, your time will still count.
Shows or hides your huds text.
Broadcasts your hud so those that own the sire hud can see that you are looking to get bred. It will display your name, fertility and whether you are breedable.
Will turn on/off HUD sounds
Will turn on/off HUD animations (belly kick)
Detect (Important to turn on when you would like to get pregnant)
This is required to be turned on to detect when someone releases in you. If this is not turned on others will not receive the menu to cum in/on you.
Obj Preg
This new feature will allow objects to get you pregnant. It is currently in alpha state but should still work.
Puts an RLV lock on your HUD so you do not mistakenly remove it. This can be turned on / off at any time
Preg System FAQ (V24.8) - Coming Soon

RLV folders should be setup as viewed in the image to the right. Please ensure that the folder names are exactly as listed as second like if case sensitive.
If you do not have an RLV folder, please create one named #RLV.
Main Folder Under #RLV named injoi
Folders inside injoi are as follows:
Birth, month2, month3, month4, month5, month6, month7, month8, month9
Place whatever you want the HUD to attach during those pregnancy periods and when you reach that time it will attach them automantically.